6th Korea-India Friendship Quiz Competition 2021 thrown open for Indian students
The top 4 winners will win a victory trip to Korea. Registration starts on April 1.
NEW DELHI: Korean Cultural Center India (KCCI) has announced registration open for the online ‘6th Korea–India Friendship Quiz Competition’. The purpose of the competition is to introduce the culture, traditions, cuisine, and general knowledge about the Republic of Korea to Indian students and help strengthen the Korea – India friendship. The top 4 winners will win a victory trip to Korea.
Students from class 07th to 12th are invited to participate from across India. The registration is open from 1st April to 30th May 2021. Students can apply through www.koreaindiaquiz2021.com
Seeing the growing interest of youth in Korean content, this year the contest will be held in 6 regions from 25 cities in 3 levels: Level 1: Individual-level online tests on quiz website, Level 2: City level quizzes on videoconference, and Level 3: National level quizzes on video conference.
In Level 1 each student will get two attempts at the test, which will be timed for each player. In each school, the student with the highest score in the shortest time will be declared the winner and will qualify for Level 2 – the city quiz round, which will be conducted from 12 June to 23 July 2021.
The winners of Level 2 will compete in the National semi finale round(s) on 26th and 27th July. The then winners of semi finale(s) will participate in the national grand finale on 30th July 2021. The top 4 winners will get a free trip to South Korea.
The 6 regions include North: Jammu, Chandigarh, Dehradun-Mussoorie, and Delhi-NCR, West: Mumbai-Pune, Ahmedabad-Gandhinagar, Jaipur, South: Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Chennai, Kochi-Ernakulam, Central: Nagpur, Indore-Bhopal, Raipur, East: Kolkata, Bhubaneswar, Patna and in Northeast: Guwahati, Shillong, and Darjeeling.
For reference and study material, students can avail the details from the website of Korean Culture Center India, http://india.korean-culture.org/en.
Hwang Il-yong, director of Korean Cultural Centre India says, “Korea and India have been friend each other for a long time, I believe we have been connected each other throughout our long-history cultural exchanges. I hope through this event, Indian students learn Korea as their real friend country.”
The annual quiz competition inaugurated in 2016 had around 12,505 student’s participation in the first year. The participation number increased every year and till now a total 1,31,740 number of students have participated in this contest.

Your child can also win a FREE TRIP TO KOREA.
6th Korea-India Friendship Online Quiz 2021
for students from Class VII to XII
FREE GK Classes about South Korea for 6th Korea-India Friendship Online Quiz 2021
#koreaindiaquiz2021 #quizcompetition