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Gurugram. As we hail the summer, there is an air of festivity at Scottish High International School as the annual show Monkey…
Amity University Haryana concludes One-Asian Community Theory project
NEW DELHI: The concluding session of the 3-month long "One -Asian Community Theory" Project, which was funded and awarded by…
Almonds in Aravalli foothills, the next Badam Bagh of Haryana?
New Delhi. Ever heard of or seen almond trees in dry, arid and high-temperature conditions of Aravalli chain of mountains that…
Japanese language, training experts travel to Puri from Hyogo
Puri (Odisha), INDIA. In an exemplary initiative to make the Indian professionals add more potential to their career prospects,…
Japan launches online portal Minato to promote Japanese language in schools
New Delhi. In its bid to promote Japanese language across the world and make more people especially students learn it, the…
Japanese Corner comes up at AUH
New Delhi. For the benefit of the students learning Japanese language and culture, the Amity University, Haryana has set up a…
Indo-Scottish Colloquium to Prepare Video-Ethnography of Marginalized…
The Indian government has taken a giant initiative in protecting and promoting smaller and marginalized language groups through a…
Use Khadi Yogaware for Yoga & Meditation
Tokyo: Tokyo-based noted healing expert and yoga practitioner Nupur Tewari has coined the idea of using Khadi Yogaware – the…
India needs to be a skill developed, healthy nation; says Commerce Minister…
Amity International Business School (AIBS) started its annual prestigious and Mega-International Research Conference - 19th INBUSH…
Internet Radio Launched at SGT University
In a major breakthrough in the field of radio broadcast for spreading education, the SGT University announced to launch its…