Coming soon, Musical on Queen Huh of Korea; Princess Suriratna of Ayodhya
NEW DELHI: Soon a musical on the story of Queen Huh from Ayodhya who went to Korea and married a Korean King will be available to viewers as Korean Cultural Centre India (KCCI), the Embassy of the Republic of Korea is in the process of making.
This is a special call for Indian musical production companies in India by KCCI for a musical that will be based on the story of Queen Huh from Ayodhya to celebrate the completion of Queen Huh memorial park at Ayodhya.
Also read: [EXCLUSIVE]: Korea to have first museum of Indian princess Suriratna
The company will be supported with a maximum Rs.50 lakh for online and offline live performances. Indian public may watch this beautiful love story between two counties, India-Korea through musical theater, TV, and SNS like Youtube at the end of this year. The last date to apply for an open call is 6th September 2020.
Korean Cultural Centre India had organized a Playwriting Contest in 2017 which created awareness on the story of Queen Huh from Ayodhya.
A musical will be produced on the winning script and both Online & offline live performances will be held as a cultural diplomatic event celebrating the completion of Queen Huh memorial park at Ayodhya. According to Korean ancient history book, [Samguk Yusa], in AD 48, the Queen of King Suro(Ayuta`s princess), at the age of 16, crossed the ocean on a ship with Pasaseoktap on board under the order of the king of Ayuta, and married King Suro, who founded Gaya in Korea.
This Ayuta is considered as Ayodhya of Uttar Pradesh (U.P.). Based on this historical record along with other sources, Queen Huh story has been used as a cultural and diplomatic tie between two countries, India and Korea, Queen Huh memorial park at Ayodhya will be the essence and symbol of this cultural & diplomatic tie.
The groundbreaking ceremony of Queen Huh memorial park was inaugurated by the first lady of Korea, HE. Kim, Jung-sook, and the chief minister of UP, HE. Yogi Adityanath in November 2018, and the completion ceremony is expected by the end of this year. To celebrate the completion of this Queen Huh memorial park at Ayodhya, special musical by Indian artists will be presented.
Further details can be obtained from“announcement”)