India’s 24th Taiwan Education Centre – TEC comes up in Bengaluru

TECs promote Mandarin courses, and share scholarship information with career prospects with Taiwanese companies for Indian students.


NEW DELHI: Taiwan has set up its 24th TEC – Taiwan Education Centre in Bengaluru in the south Indian state Karnataka.  

Taipei Economic and Cultural Centre in India (TECC), Taiwan’s representative office in India set up TEC at the Presidency University, Bengaluru on December 27.

The Centre was inaugurated at the university campus in the presence of India Representative Ambassador Baushuan Ger, Director-General Ben Wang, TECC in Chennai, Director of Education Division Peters L Y Chen of TECC, Presidency University Chancellor Dr. Nissar Ahmed, Vice-Chancellor Professor D Subhakar, university faculty, and students.

“This is the first TEC in Karnataka. It is definitely a milestone between the two nations. The cooperation between Taiwan’s universities and the Presidency University, facilitated by the Taiwan Education Center, will definitely help more Indian students to understand and optimize their full potentiality by providing the students with Mandarin courses and more scholarship information from the each University of Taiwan. The Technology Innovation International Park (TIIP) nearby can enable the Presidency University to have industry-academia cooperation with Taiwan’s companies in the future,” said Ambassador Baushuan Ger.

The MoU was signed between Presidency University Chancellor Dr. Nissar Ahmed and Director Education Division TECC Peters L Y Chen for their respective sides.

Dr. S Sivaperumal, Director of International relations at Presidency University also introduced the seven partner universities from Taiwan while exchanging the MoU virtually, including National Sun yet Sun University (NSYUS), National Formosa University, Tamkang University (TKU), Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology (STUST), Providence University, Asia University and National Chin-Yi University of Technology (NCUT).

Representatives from the partner universities in Taiwan addressed the gathering. After the MoU signing event, Ambassador Baushaun Ger along with faculty and guests inaugurated the Taiwan Educational Centre.

The Assistant Representative and Director of Education Division, TECC, Peters L Y Chen highlighted the importance of the TEC.

He said, “We hope that through the TEC, we would be able to make the Presidency University a hub for learning the Mandarin language, which will also increase job opportunities for students to work in Taiwan’s companies, either in India or Taiwan.”

He also focused upon how the two countries, India and Taiwan can come together and create exceptional opportunities for their student’s growth which will eventually lead to the growth and prosperity of the two countries respectively.

The Ministry of Education Taiwan has been coming up with various initiatives to collaborate with various Indian Universities to provide opportunities for Indian students to build their careers by providing them with scholarships so that financial barriers do not come in the way of a deserving student. In India, TEC has been established 24 centers and extends its hand for collaboration with more universities in the upcoming days.

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