Japan alerts it’s overseas citizens, companies against possible terror attacks during Ramadan month
In recent years, many terrorist attacks have occurred all over the world during the month of Ramadan and the period before and after it (last year, terrorist attacks occurred in France, Egypt, India, etc.), it said.
NEW DELHI/TOKYO: The Japan Government has asked its citizens traveling across the world to be cautious of the possible terror attacks between April 13 and May 15, the Islamic Ramadan month, and also during the Eid festival.
In a recent advisory issued by Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs to its people and companies located overseas, it has quoted many terrorist attacks that occurred around the world in and around the Ramadan period in recent years as a reason for the suspected terror attacks on foreigners worldwide.
The ministry has also posted safety pamphlets and manuals carrying Dos & Dons on its official websites. These are titled “Q & A against bomb terrorism for Japanese and companies expanding overseas”, “Countermeasures against terrorism and kidnapping of overseas travel”, and Overseas Safety Measures Manual for SMEs.

According to an estimate millions of Japanese travel across the world for leisure and work, and the number of such travelers was recorded at 20 million in 2019.
“In recent years, many terrorist attacks have occurred all over the world during the month of Ramadan and the period before and after it (last year, terrorist attacks occurred in France, Egypt, India, etc.). In particular, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), also known as ISIS, and others have issued statements calling for terrorism during the month of Ramadan in the past,” said an advisory by the ministry.
Recently, in addition to bombs and shootings, terrorism has been called for to kill an unspecified number of people using familiar objects such as vehicles and knives, it read.
While suggesting safety measures, the advisory has asked the Japanese people to keep updated by registering with the “Tabi-Regi” information service and obtain the latest related information through it and various other media reports and other sources also.
Tabi-Regi, which means travel registration, was launched in July 2014. If Japanese travelers abroad register in advance their trip schedules and contact information, they will receive by email up-to-date local security information from embassies and consulates.
The ministry has advised its people and companies situated abroad to pay particular attention to Friday.
“Friday is a group worship day for Muslims, during which terrorism and attacks targeting religious facilities such as mosques and crowds may take place. April 16th, 23rd, 30th, May 7th, and 14th are Fridays for this year’s Ramadan month and Eid,” it said.
Japanese travelers have been advised to be careful at tourist facilities and their surroundings, event venues, restaurants, hotels, shopping malls, supermarkets, night clubs, movie theaters, public transportation facilities, etc., religious facilities such as churches, mosques, synagogues, government-related facilities (especially) Military, police, security facilities), etc.
It is suspected that such public places are likely to be targets of terrorism and therefore advised them to stay away from them as much as possible.
The digital safety pamphlets and manuals posted on Japanese government websites include “Q & A against bomb terrorism for Japanese and companies expanding overseas” at https://www.anzen.mofa.go.jp/pamph/pamph_03.html, “Countermeasures against terrorism and kidnapping of overseas travel” at http://www.anzen.mofa.go.jp/pamph/pamph_10.html, and overseas Safety Measures Manual for SMEs at http://www.anzen.mofa.go.jp/anzen_info/golgo13xgaimusho.html.

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