Japan Ambassador Hiroshi Suzuki Bids Farewell: A Legacy of Strengthened Ties Between India and Japan

As he departs for his new role as Ambassador to the UK, Suzuki reflects on his public-centric approach, love for Indian street food, and successful initiatives like the Mela Mela Anime Japan, leaving behind a robust foundation for future diplomatic relations.


NEW DELHI: Ambassador of Japan to India Hiroshi Suzuki who departed India for his new role as Japan’s Ambassador to the United Kingdom on September 29, his tenure was characterized by strengthened diplomatic ties and a deep appreciation for Indian culture.

His journey began in November 2022, coinciding with the celebration of the 70th anniversary of diplomatic relations between India and Japan. Throughout his time in India, Suzuki has been a fervent advocate for cultural exchange and collaboration across various sectors.

Ambassador Suzuki’s commitment to enhancing the India-Japan relationship was evident in his public-centric approach. He actively engaged with local communities, fostering people-to-people connections that transcended mere diplomacy.

His love for Indian street food became a defining aspect of his tenure; he often explored the vibrant streets of New Delhi, savoring local delicacies and immersing himself in the rich tapestry of Indian culture. This personal touch not only endeared him to many but also highlighted his genuine appreciation for the diverse traditions of India.

One of the crowning achievements of his tenure was the Mela Mela Anime Japan, a vibrant farewell event held on September 28-29, 2024. This celebration showcased Japanese culture and entertainment, further solidifying Suzuki’s commitment to cultural diplomacy and leaving a lasting impact on the bilateral relationship.

Ambassador Suzuki’s diplomatic efforts extended beyond cultural initiatives; he focused on strengthening economic collaboration and security partnerships between India and Japan. Under his stewardship, bilateral trade reached USD 21.96 billion in FY 2022-23, with Japan exporting USD 16.49 billion worth of goods to India and importing USD 5.46 billion from India.

He advocated for increased cooperation in technology, infrastructure development, and climate change initiatives, reinforcing the shared democratic values that underpin the India-Japan partnership.

His tenure also coincided with significant geopolitical events, including India’s G20 Presidency in 2023 and high-level visits from Japanese leaders such as former Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga and Prime Minister Fumio Kishida.

These interactions were pivotal in advancing the Special Strategic and Global Partnership between the two nations, which emphasizes collaboration on security and stability in the Indo-Pacific region.

In his farewell message , Ambassador Suzuki expressed heartfelt gratitude for the warmth and hospitality he received during his time in India. He acknowledged the friendships formed and emphasized his hope for continued flourishing of Japan-India relations.

“I truly feel that I have been able to advance the cooperative partnership in many fields with India,” he stated, reflecting on India’s remarkable economic progress and its emerging role as a voice representing the Global South.

As he embarks on this new chapter in the UK, Suzuki leaves behind a robust foundation for future diplomatic endeavors between India and Japan. His legacy is one of collaboration, cultural exchange, and mutual respect—elements that will undoubtedly pave the way for future ambassadors to build upon.

Ambassador Hiroshi Suzuki’s departure marks not just an end but also a new beginning for the enduring friendship between India and Japan. The bonds forged during his tenure will continue to inspire cooperation and understanding between these two vibrant nations.


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