Japan PM Kishida writes to Modi, offers condolences on casualties in flood-affected Assam, Meghalaya
Japan's Foreign Minister Hayashi Yoshimasa also rushed his sympathy message to India's External Affairs Minister Jaishankar, following the floods and landslides in these NE states of India.
TOKYO/ NEW DELHI: In a condolence message sent to the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of Japan KISHIDA Fumio on Thursday expressed deep sorrow and grief on the loss of lives and other damages caused in the Indian north-eastern states Assam and Meghalaya due to floods and landslides caused by the heavy rain there.
The Japan PM also reiterated to stand by India in the time of difficulty, and vowed to extend all possible support in the affected region.
Landslides and floods triggered by heavy rains left a score of people dead and several injured and rendered several thousands homeless in Assam and Meghalaya recently. Incessant rains in the state led to a rise in the water level in rivers such as Brahmaputra and Barak. .
“I am deeply saddened to have learnt that the flooding and landslides that occurred in the State of Assam and the State of Meghalaya following the heavy rain in the North East Region of India have led to the loss of many precious lives and forced many people to evacuate,” KISHIDA Fumio stated in his message to the Indian counterpart.
He further stated, “On behalf of the Government and the people of Japan, I would like to express my heartfelt condolences to the victims and sympathies to their bereaved families. I also express my sympathies to those who have suffered and pray for the earliest possible recovery of the affected areas. The Government of Japan will spare no effort to extend necessary support to the affected areas. I reaffirm my conviction that Japan will always stand with India as she shall rise again to overcome the difficult time.”
Prime Minister of Japan KISHIDA Fumio’s message in Japanese languages:
「インド北東部アッサム州及びメガラヤ州で発生した豪雨による洪水・土砂災害により、多くの尊 い命が失われ、多くの方々が避難を余儀なくされるなどの事態が発生しているとの報に接し、深い 悲しみを覚えております。 日本国政府及び日本国民を代表し、犠牲になられた方々及びその御遺族に対し心からの哀悼の意 を表します。また、被害に遭われた方々にお見舞い申し上げるとともに、被災地の一日も早い復興 を心からお祈りいたします。 被災地域の一日も早い復旧にあたり,日本国政府として必要な支援を惜しみません。インドがこ の困難な時を乗り越えるに際して、日本は常にインドと共にあることを改めてお伝えします。」
Japan’s Foreign Minister Hayashi Yoshimasa also rushed his sympathy message to India’s External Affairs Minister Jaishankar, following the floods and landslides in these NE states of India.