NEW DELHI: The concluding session of the 3-month long “One -Asian Community Theory” Project, which was funded and awarded by Japan-based ‘One Asia Foundation’ to Amity University Haryana was held at the Gurugram campus on May 3, 2019.
The project was launched in February in the by Yogi Sato, the founder chairman of the One Asia Foundation. The project director Dr. Santosh Gupta had played the key role in bringing the project to the Amity University Haryana.
One Asia Foundation financially supports organizations and groups which share its goal of contributing to the formation of the Asian Community in the near future. It also supports financially support colleges, institutions, scholars working towards making Asian communities stronger.
On May 3, Hidekazu Nishizuka, the Secretary-General of One Asia foundation flew down from Japan to hand over the certificates and scholarships to participating students.
Also read: Japanese Billionaire Yoji Sato to push One-Asia Theory in India
Cash prizes of US $ 100 to 250 (total US $3000) were handed over to 18 meritorious students from Amity University.
The Scholarship and certificates were personally carried by Hidekazu Nishizuka from Japan in a sealed envelope and are in addition to One Asia Project grant of US $25,000 the Amity University has received for this project.
The session was presided over by Amity University Haryana’s Pro-Vice-Chancellor Prof.( Dr) Padmakali Banerjee who apart from appreciating the efforts put in by Project Director and his team in bringing the project to successful conclusion, also remarked that the project helped students in Amity University to enhance their awareness of Asia, Asian Culture & History and provided an opportunity for students to listen and interact with imminent Asian scholars drawn from both India and abroad.
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The Project did immensely benefit the students and hoped the project would be continued next year to spread and promote greater awareness about Asian Culture at Amity University.
Hidekazu Nishizuka was also taken around ASL and shown the Infrastructure facility including language lab and approached for some financial assistance to upgrade the technical aids facility in ASL to which he readily agreed to help.
One Asia foundation will be approached again for sanctioning a bigger project for the year 2020, the Amity University officials said.