Learn Japanese Work Culture for more productivity, the Suzuki Way

With the aim to transform Gujarat into 'Mini-Japan of India', the event will also feature goodwill delegation from Japan on July 16 in Ahmedabad.


Ahmedabad (Gujarat): The Japan Centres at the Ahmedabad Management Association (AMA) are set to host a highly anticipated symposium titled “Japanese Work Culture: The Suzuki Way” on Tuesday, July 16, 2024. This event will also feature a goodwill delegation visit from Shizuoka Prefecture and Hamamatsu City, Japan. The symposium aims to further the vision of transforming Gujarat into the “Mini-Japan of India.”

The event is the part of ‘Japan Month’ being organized for advancing bilateral relations between India and Japan across multiple areas, including politics, security, economics and culture. Many events focusing on trade, investment, culture, people-to-people exchanges and other fields including seminars, symposia, exhibitions, etc., will be organized during September-October months.

The event Japanese Work Culture: The Suzuki Way will begin with a welcome address by Mukesh Patel, Honorary Consul of Japan for Gujarat and President of the Indo-Japan Friendship Association, Gujarat. Patel’s opening remarks will set the tone for the symposium, underscoring the strong historical and cultural ties between Japan and Gujarat and the mutual benefits of deepening this relationship.

Following the welcome address, Junichiro Suzuki, First Secretary of the Embassy of Japan in India and a representative of the Ministry of Economy, Trade & Industry (METI), will deliver the keynote address. Suzuki’s speech will likely emphasize the significance of Japanese work culture in fostering economic growth and innovation, setting a framework for the discussions that will follow.

Yu Yoshida, Director General of JETRO Ahmedabad, will then take the stage to discuss the role of JETRO in promoting Japanese investment in Gujarat. His talk will highlight the strategic initiatives undertaken by JETRO to facilitate business collaborations and investments, which are pivotal in realizing the vision of making Gujarat a hub of Japanese business practices.

Dr. Manish Shah, General Manager (Ease of Doing Business EoDB) at the Industrial Extension Bureau (iNDEXTb), Gandhinagar, will provide insights into the growth of bilateral economic relations between Gujarat and Japan. Dr. Shah’s address will explore how the integration of Japanese work culture and business practices can enhance the industrial landscape of Gujarat, fostering a more efficient and productive business environment.

A key segment of the symposium will be a panel discussion and Q&A session on “Japanese Work Culture: The Suzuki Way,” featuring representatives from Suzuki Motors (Japan), Maruti Suzuki (India), and Suzuki Motors Gujarat. This discussion, coordinated by Yatindra Sharma, Chairman of the Indo-Japanese Economic Cooperation Council, will delve into the core principles of Japanese work culture, such as Kaizen (continuous improvement), teamwork, and efficiency. The panelists will share their experiences and insights on how these principles have been successfully implemented in their respective organizations, providing valuable lessons for Indian businesses.

The event will also include a felicitation and response session from the goodwill delegation comprising Shizuoka Prefectural Assembly Members and officials from the Regional Diplomacy & Business Development Divisions, JETRO, and Hamamatsu City Industrial Promotion Division. This segment will further reinforce the strong cultural and economic ties between Japan and Gujarat, celebrating the collaborative spirit that drives this relationship.

The symposium will conclude with remarks by Mohal Sarabhai, Honorary Secretary of AMA. His concluding remarks will encapsulate the key takeaways from the event, emphasizing the importance of embracing Japanese work culture to drive economic and social progress in Gujarat.

Participation in the symposium requires prior registration, which must be completed by July 13, 2024. Interested individuals can contact AMA for more details and registration at ama@amaindia.org or visit their website at amaindia.org.

The Japan Centres at AMA have earned recognition and goodwill by pioneering the vision of making Gujarat the “Mini-Japan of India.” The centres include the Japanese Language Centre, which conducts basic and advanced Japanese language programs with native and Indian instructors. The Japan Information & Study Centre promotes Japan-India friendly relations, while the Japanese Zen Garden and KHS Kaizen Academy focus on promoting the Kaizen spirit and Japanese soft skills and business culture. Additionally, the Japan Cultural Centre showcases Japanese art, culture, landscape, and architecture, supported by Asahi Songwon and Aksharchem India.

The symposium on “Japanese Work Culture: The Suzuki Way” represents a significant opportunity to strengthen the cultural and economic ties between Japan and Gujarat. It aims to provide a deeper understanding of Japanese work culture and its potential applications in India, fostering a collaborative environment that benefits both regions. Through this event, AMA seeks to inspire Indian businesses to adopt the efficiency, innovation, and teamwork that define Japanese work culture, ultimately driving growth and excellence in Gujarat.

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