#IndiaJapanAt70 #FiresideChatWithShaifali #KonnichiwaPune
The Indo-Japan Business Council (IJBC) presents a lecture in Hindi language on title “एक कदम , कई दिशाएँ , वर्तमान युग—भारत और जापान” (One Step, Many Directions, The Present Era—India and Japan) by तोमो कावाने (Tomo Kawane 川根 友), Senior Researcher, Keio University, Japan
Independent Consultant. 25 years in Gujarat, Indian affairs, politics, languages, voluntary sector on March 20, 2022 at 4 PM IST
Register here to watch: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdPtGB1iJe64Q-CZnu8mfa04voVdHgZkQk11aRci6gSEQgFEg/viewform
आज हम कहाँ खड़े हैं? हम कहाँ जा रहे हैं? हम किस तरह के युग में जी रहे हैं? तोमो कावाने भारत और जापान के बीच संबंधों के प्रमुख पहलुओं पर अपनी समीक्षा देंगी और आनेवाले वर्षों में यह संबंध कैसे होंगे उस पर रोशनी ड़ालेंगी। यह सत्र हिंदी भाषामें होगा।
(Where do we stand today? where are we going? What kind of era are we living in? Tomo Kawane will review key aspects of the relationship between India and Japan and highlight how this relationship will progress in the years to come. This session will be in Hindi language.)
About (Tomo Kawane 川根 友):

An expert in multiple languages including Hindi, and Gujarati, Ms. Kawane recently made a special presentation in Hindi language on ‘India Japan: How Near, How Far’ in Konnichiwa Pune 2022 event in November 2021. It was then titled as भारत और जापान:करीब हैं लेकिन अभी भी दूर… ऐसा क्यों ? (インドと日本:近くても未だ遠い存在であるのはなぜ).
Indo-Japan Business Council (IJBC), established in 2011, is the apex bi-lateral Chamber synergizing India-Japan engagement in business, trade, commerce, education, and culture. IJBC is continually working to enhance India-Japan Business and Economic Engagement. Today IJBC has a PAN India presence and promotes cooperation among industry, business, education, and culture between India and Japan.
The year 2022 marks the 70th Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between India and Japan. To celebrate this momentous year, the Indo-Japan Business Council has decided to host a series of events. Let us work together to forge a vibrant India-Japan relationship for future generations.
or more details, visit https://www.ijbc.org/india-japan-at-7…
——— For past Webinars and #FiresideChatWithShaifali visit https://www.ijbc.org/events.html
——— Also you can watch all videos from #KonnichiwaPune 2021 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdLW…
——— About IJBC Indo-Japan Business Council (IJBC), established in 2011, is the apex bi-lateral Chamber synergizing India-Japan engagement in business, trade, commerce, education, and culture. IJBC is continually working to enhance India-Japan Business and Economic Engagement. Today IJBC has a PAN India presence. https://www.ijbc.org
Visit Sponsors:
Tutor Bharat – https://www.tutorbharat.com/
InterGest India – https://intergest.com/en/india/
Visit event partners.
- IT Partner – Shimbi Labs – https://www.shimbilabs.com
- Research & Stats Partner – Nano Biz – https://www.nano-biz.com
- Finance Consultant – Rao & Emmar – https://www.raoemmar.com
- Corporate Law Firm – Vab & Company – https://www.vabandcompany.com
- Trade Partner – Ichiban Enterprises – https://www.ichiban.group
- Online Media Partner – Asian Community News – https://www.asiancommunitynews.com
- Language Support – The Lingo – thelingo16@gmail.com
- Keio University – https://www.keio.ac.jp/en/
- India Japan Laboratory – https://www.indiajapanlab.org/about/