Gurgaon. The 93-year-old Dropti Nagpal leads the entire family to the polling station every election, the way she did on Sunday in Gurgaon – the city of MNCs, malls, expats and swanky condos where the voting percentage goes down to miserable figures.
Superbly active at this age, the proud mother of Dr. Sanjeev Nagpal (63) – a well-known pediatrician in Sector 14, Dropti Nagpal continues to create buzz and be the talk of the town for her own unbreakable record of casting vote in all Indian elections – general or assembly, since Independence.

The hail and hearty, Dropti Nagpal said, “I am fully aware of the power of every single vote using which we can transform our society for the greater benefit of humankind. It is not only our right but the responsibility to cast our vote.”
On Sunday, Dropti Nagpal walked down to the polling station in the vicinity with her son Dr. Sanjeev Nagpal, daughter-in-law Dr. Lata Nagpal and grandchildren in the sultry afternoon as her morning was packed as usual.
As she entered the polling booth at Government Middle School here, she was the center of attraction as people talked about her courageous endeavor.
At 93, she leads a healthy life and is not on any medicines at all.
“Every morning, I go for walk, participate in religious chores like Amrit Vaani and Sukhmani, and also participate in social gatherings on a regular basis. Evening again, the walk is part of my life. I eat very diligently and don’t let fat amass on my body,” said Dropti Nagpal.
The healthy food habits include light breakfast but after a cup of tea with almonds and biscuits, then follows lunch with a single chapati etc.
“My mother needs no medicines as she does not suffer from any age-specific ailments like blood pressure and sugar. However, she takes vitamin D and B complex and calcium pills only. She also washes and irons her own clothes so that she remains active at this age,” said Dr. Sanjeev Nagpal