Musical Play “The Legend of Princess Suriratna” unveils on Wednesday
The two-and-a-half-hour theatrical musical showcasing divine love between Indian Princess Suriratna from Ayodhya and Korean King Kim Suro is ready.
NEW DELHI: The Legend of Princess Suriratna, a musical play based on the story of an Ayodhaya princess marrying a Korean King about 2000 years back is all set to be launched on Wednesday, October 13 in Kamani Auditorium New Delhi.
It is India’s first theatrical musical show that would portray the love story of an Indian Princess Suriratna (Suriratna) and Korean King Kim Suro, who got married in 48 AD, and the princess became Queen Huh Hwang-ok (some also write Heo Hwang-ok).
A New Delhi-based theatre group ‘Theatre I-Entertainment’ has prepared this two-and-a-half-hour play. It is a broadways-type musical performed in the Hindi language, and it has Indian artists performing in it. But it also has Korean artists and a director, and a music composer from Korea helping the producers in the project as they advised on the Korean part of the play.
Since the play has Korean culture as part of it in the form of some classical music performances like Tal Chum (Mask Dance), the Indian theatre group needed the help of its Korean counterparts.
The Korean Cultural Centre in India (KCCI), Embassy of Republic of Korea in New Delhi had awarded the contract of producing the play last year with a deadline to complete the same by September.
Related article: Musical showcasing divine love between Indian Princess and Korean King to be ready by September, Contract awarded
The Legend of Princess Suriratna is based on the Korean ancient history book, [Samguk Yusa], that says the Queen of King Suro (Ayuta`s princess), at the age of 16, crossed the ocean on a ship with Pasaseoktap on board under the order of the king of Ayuta, and married King Suro, who founded Gaya in Korea.
This Ayuta is considered as Ayodhya of Uttar Pradesh (U.P.). Based on this historical record along with other sources, Queen Huh story has been used as a cultural and diplomatic tie between two countries, India and Korea, Queen Huh memorial park at Ayodhya will be the essence and symbol of this cultural & diplomatic tie.