Nobuhiro Takahashi, Sr Japanese MNC Exc, Ex-Advisor, JCCII joins ACN Editorial Advisory Board
An offshoot of Asian Community News (ACN) Network, the ACN Editorial Advisory Board brings experts on a common platform for strengthening Indo-Asian relationship and bilateral ties through media and advocacy.
NEW DELHI: Nobuhiro Takahashi, a senior executive with a Japanese multinational auto component manufacturing company has joined the ACN Editorial Advisory Board – a Think Tank of experts, industry leaders, management gurus, academicians, and intellectuals from Japan, South Korea, India, and East Asian countries.
A former Advisor of the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry in India (JCCII), Mr. Takahashi is currently deployed at the company headquarters in Japan. He owns about 30 years of experience and worked at the Indian subsidiary of the company for 13 years in the capacity of Managing Executive Officer (MEO) before moving back to Japan last month.
Mr. Takahashi also owns the distinction of being the first Japanese executive to have authored a book titled “What you should know about India to succeed in India” in the Japanese language (インドでビジネスを成功させるために知っておくべきこと).
Published by a Japanese publishing house Gentosha Renaissance Shinsho, Tokyo, the book explains a little difference of points – How to make “Human Resource” and “Money”.
ACN welcomes Mr. Takahashi to this Think Tank, which will be greatly benefitted from his rich experience of Indo-Japanese bilateral relations for the betterment of the two countries.
Promoted by Asian Community News (ACN) Network – a real-time online non-political newswire service dedicated to Indo-Asian affairs with a special focus on key Asian majors like Japan, South Korea, and ASEAN members, the ACN Editorial Advisory Board aims at bringing the like-minded experts from various Asian countries together on a common platform for strengthening Indo-Asian relationship and bilateral ties through media and advocacy.
Born in the Aichi prefecture in Japan in 1963, Takahashi is a graduate of the Osaka University of Foreign Studies and takes an avid interest in world economic and political developments revolving especially around Japan, India, and China, and he is a staunch supporter of India-Japan friendship.

Nobuhiro Takahashi first came to India in 2008 and has been an acting member of the JCCII Suggestions Committee. He has been actively involved in raising the concern of the Japanese companies and offering his valuable suggestions to the state as well as the central government for formulating policies.
Takahashi was instrumental in raising the Dividend Distribution Tax (DDT) issue on the JCCII platform following which the Indian government abolished DDT, and also the new Customs Rules of Origin (CAROTAR 2020) – Customs (Administration of Rules of Origin under Trade Agreements) Rules, 2020.
When in India, Mr. Takahashi regularly offered suggestions to the Prime Minister Office (PMO) that would acknowledge the contribution by way of returned mails.
On May 8, 2020, on his 57th birthday, Mr. Takahashi scored a hat-trick when he received a very special birthday e-greeting card from Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the third time consecutively since 2018.
The Haryana government had awarded MR. Takahashi with the Special Recognition Certificate in January 2017 towards his contribution in making activities and persuasions for infrastructural development to help industries and support business expansion through new project establishments of his company in the Haryana state.
Mr. Takahashi had shared his valuable recommendations and suggestions for the construction of the Kundli-Manesar-Palwal (KMP) Expressway, also known as Western Peripheral Road to the Haryana government.
The then PWD Works (B&R), Forests, Architecture & Civil Aviation Minister Rao Narbir Singh had handed over the citation to Takahashi.
Takahashi is an avid traveler and fond of visiting and studying Indian heritage sites. He has traveled about 3000 kilometers in India for the purpose and enjoyed varied types of Indian cuisines as well.
He made presentations titled ‘The Way to World Heritage Sites in India’ covering three types of heritage site temples – Southern Pattern, Northern pattern, and Blended pattern, at the Embassy of Japan in New Delhi during an event organized by JCCII. He was very fond of visiting various places across India and study about world heritage sites.
About ACN Editorial Board Membership:
The decision of inviting experts to the ACN Editorial advisory Board rests with the Asian Community News (ACN) Network.
The invitation for joining the Board is sent to those personalities who have been doing an extremely commendable job in promoting bilateral relations between India and Japan, South Korea, and ASEAN for the past many years.
Those invited to join the board would also have the privilege of writing self-authored articles and contribute to various news stories developing from time to time as expert commentators.
They would advise the ACN Editorial team on various topics & issues – current and evolving pertaining to Asian developments.
This also offers an opportunity for the board members to take up issues of common concern through discussions, deliberations, and brainstorming sessions during physical and virtual meetings.
ACN Editorial Advisory Board would offer an opportunity to participate in Webinars/Seminars organized by ACN in which the government representatives/bureaucrats/ministers/Corporate leaders, Academicians/intellectuals from various countries could be invited to participate.
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