“One Shiny Day” marked Korean Independence Movement’s 100th Anniversary


NEW DELHI: An exhibition ‘100th Anniversary of the March 1st Independence Movement: One Shiny Day’ came up in New Delhi on Wednesday to mark the centennial anniversary of the March First Independence Movement of Korea against Japanese colonial rule.

Launched today on August 14, the exhibition is being organized at the National Gallery of Modern Art of India in collaboration with South Korea’s Daegu Art Museum, which is also providing all the artworks to be exhibited here.

Sandeep Marwah, the Chief Scout for India and noted international film personality, Ashok Tyaji, a well-known film director,  Kim Kum-pyoung, Director of Korean Cultural Centre India, Daegu Art Museum -Director Choe eun jeu-min and Gadanayak, Director General of National Gallery of Modern Art were present on the occasion.

The Korean Cultural Centre India is hosting the event that was opened for the public till September 29.

The exhibition displays the artworks of 12 Korean artists namely KWON Hayoun, KIM BoMin, KIM Woojo, BAE Sungmi, SHON Sunghyun, AHN Eun-me, AHN Changhong, LEE Sanghyun, LEE Woosung, JEONG Jae-wan, and JO Dongwhan + JO Haejun.

The exhibition celebrates the ‘Centennial Anniversary of the March 1st Independence Movement and the Korean Provisional Government’ as well as the ‘150th anniversary of the birth of Mahatma Gandhi’. The exhibition’s opening also celebrates 15th August -Liberation Day of both Korea and India.

To deepen Korea-India friendship through shared culture with the opening of an exhibition on the theme of Mahatma Gandhi’s ‘Salt March’, partaking together the meaning of non-violent independence movement with Korea, will be held next year at Daegu Art Museum.

Shin Bong-kil, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea in India, says “The exhibition presents the underlying theme of the sorrow and restoration of South Korea that has similar modern history to India. I hope the artworks promote mutual understanding and shared values of both people of India and Korea.”

Adwaita Gadanayak, Director General of National Gallery of Modern Art, says “This exhibition is not just a celebration of independence but a wonderful journey of friendship between South Korea and India. It will be a good opportunity to experience the artistic expressions of South Korean artists by the Indian audience.”

Sandeep Marwah

Brief on the exhibition:

The exhibition title of “One Shiny Day” signifies that the historic incidence of March 1st, 1919 was the nourishment and starting point to sustain the next 100 years. It is hoped that this exhibition could trigger the audience to look back on some of the historic moments through art.

The March 1st movement is Korea’s largest anti-Japanese movement broadly participated by folks from different walks of life regardless of their region, status and wealth, hinting at the people’s willpower for independence and potentials at home and abroad. The exhibition started by asking in what images and ways the March 1st movement spirit of 100 years ago exists in today’s world and impacts us throughout the modern and contemporary history of Korea.

Also read: Korea marks 100 years of Independence Movement

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