NEW DELHI. Shin Bong-Kil, the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea in New Delhi Thursday launched the social media campaign #StayStrongCampaign to put a brave fight against the COVID-19 outbreak amidst increasing cases of Coronavirus infected people in India.
In a Facebook post on the official Embassy of Korea page, the Ambassador Shin Bong-Kil said, “With the coronavirus outbreak accelerating, the pandemic is a challenge for all. In this time of struggle, let’s participates in #StayStrongCampaign to combat the virus altogether.”

While addressing the people in India, the Ambassador asked those interested to make their own logo around the subject @stay_strong_campaign, to upload the same logo on their social media platforms with hashtag #StayStrongCampaign, and also to tag three of their friends to further relay this campaign and make it viral online.
The Embassy of ROK has uploaded the photograph of the Ambassador Shin Bong-Kil holding a placard with the message ‘Stay Strong – Fight Against COVID-19.’
In this pic, the ambassador is seen with the national flag of South Korea as well as a map of India in the background.
It is noteworthy that India has a strong 15,000 population of South Korean nationals staying here in various cities.
When the majority of the foreigners’ populations from other countries have left for their respective countries using specially arranged chartered flights, the expatriates from South Korea have decided to stay.
Only 221 Korean nationals that included the elderlies, women, and children or those requiring medical attention left for Korea on April 5 in a chartered Korean Air aircraft while the rest of them stayed in India.
In India, the number of Coronavirus positive cases are on the rise, though at a slow pace, as the total number today on Thursday touched 5734 figure with 149 deaths reported so far.