Tribunal awards relief to Japanese Company’s Indian subsidiary in income tax liabilities 日本企業のインド現地子会社に対する所得税負債に関する裁定
In assessment, the Income Tax authority maintained that the total taxable income of the company was higher than the disclosed one in the IT return, basis the inclusion of foreign exchange gain from ECB loans taken by the company.
NEW DELHI: The Appellate Tribunal has awarded relief to the Indian subsidiary of a Japanese company Idemitsu Lube India Pvt. Ltd that had challenged the assessment done by the Income Tax Authorities. The IT Authority had directed the company to pay higher income tax. In its order pronounced recently, the Tribunal not only dismissed the appeals of the Income Tax Authorities, it referred back the matter to the Commissioner of Income Tax (A) CIT(A) directing him to grant adequate opportunity of hearing to both parties with regard to the new issues raised before him. そのような日本企業の一社、出光興産株式会社は、100%子会社であるIdemitsu Lube India Pvt. Ltd.(以下、「申告会社」、または「同社」という)をインドに設立しました。同社は、その事業内容について、「潤滑油を含む石油化学製品の取引および関連分野での技術支援」と主張しました。それに対して、所得税当局から、通常より高い所得税の支払いを命じられました。その評価結果に対して同社は、所得税法1961年に定められた手続きを利用して異議を申し立て、その結果所得税控訴審判所から救済を受けました。
Idemitsu Kosan Co. Ltd., Japan set up Idemitsu Lube India Pvt. Ltd in India as its wholly-owned subsidiary. The company claims to be engaged in the business of trading petrochemical products, including lubricant oil, and providing technical assistance in related areas. Agitated by the assessment done by the Income Tax Authorities, where the company was directed to pay higher income tax, the company challenged this assessment by taking recourse to the procedure provided under the Income Tax Act, 1961, and got relief from the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal.
控訴審判所は、2023年4月27日に「ACIT, Special Range-4, New Delhi vs. Idemitsu Lube India Pvt. Ltd.」という裁判で判決を下し、所得税当局の控訴を却下し、Idemitsu Lube India Pvt. Ltd.が提起した異議を認めました。さらに、控訴審判所は、新たに提起された本件に関して、所得税局コミッショナー(Commissioner of Income Tax Appeal: CIT(A))に対して、双方に十分な聴聞の機会を与えるよう指示し、問題を差し戻しました。
The Appellate Tribunal pronounced the Order on 27.04.2023, in the case titled as “ACIT, Special Range-4, New Delhi vs. Idemitsu Lube India Pvt. Ltd.” bearing ITA Nos. 7255 & 7256/Del/2018, wherein it dismissed the appeals of the Income Tax Authorities and allowed the objections raised by Idemitsu Lube India. Further, the Appellate Tribunal referred back the matter to the Commissioner of Income Tax (A) (“CIT(A)”), directing him to grant adequate opportunity of hearing to both parties with regard to the new issues raised before him.
The Indian subsidiary company filed its return of income for the assessment years. The return was selected for scrutiny, and thereafter, the assessment was conducted under the Income Tax Act. In assessment, the Income Tax Officials determined the total taxable income to be higher than what was disclosed by the company in the return, basis the inclusion of foreign exchange gain from ECB loans taken by the company. Accordingly, a higher tax was computed and demanded on the higher income. Aggrieved by the assessment, the company approached CIT(A) and got relief. The Income Tax Authorities preferred to appeal before the Appellate Tribunal against CIT(A)’s order.
この申し立てに対して同社は、「マハラシュトラ州での新しい製造工場建設に従事しており、そのために日本の親会社からECBローンを受け取った」と主張しました。さらに、「ECBローンは新しい工場の固定資産の取得に使用されたのであり、ECBローンの再評価による為替差益は、実際には資本にあたる」と述べました。同社は、「インド公認会計士協会が発行した会計基準11号(AS 11)に従い、当該利益は課税所得の計算から除外されるべきである」と主張しました。一方、所得税調査官は、「同社が外貨建てローンをインドルピーに転換し、一部を定期預金(FDRs)として銀行口座に預けた」と述べ、「したがって、ECBローンの再評価による為替差益は、売上と見なされ、会社の所得に追加されるべきである」と反論しました。
Idemitsu Lube India submitted that it was engaged in the construction of the new manufacturing plant at Maharashtra, and for that, it had taken ECB loan from its parent company in Japan. It further submitted that since the ECB loan has been utilized for the acquisition of fixed assets of the new plant, the foreign exchange translation gain on reinstatement of ECB loans was capital in nature. The company stated that as per Accounting Standard 11 issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, such gain is to be excluded from the computation of taxable income. On the contrary, the Assessing Officer of Income Tax was of the view that the company has converted the foreign currency loan into Indian Rupees, and part of it was deposited in the bank account in the form of FDRs. Hence, the foreign exchange gain of re-assessment of the ECB loan was of a revenue nature which is to be added in the income of the Company.
CIT(A) after perusing all the documents relating to ECB loans, was of the opinion that the ECB loans obtained by the company were utilized for the acquisition of capital assets for the new plant in India. CIT(A) was further of the opinion that provisions of Section 43A of the Income Tax Act providing for the treatment of foreign exchange rate fluctuations are not applicable to the facts of the case since the capital assets are not acquired from outside India. Hence, CIT(A) held that foreign exchange gain on reinstatement of ECB loan is non-taxable. The Appellate Tribunal was also in consonance with the findings of CIT(A) and dismissed the Appeals filed by the Income Tax Department.
As for the new issues raised by Idemitsu Lube India, the Appellate Tribunal held that CIT(A) was not justified in not adjudicating the issues and remanded the issues back to CIT(A) with directions to decide the same after giving reasonable opportunity of hearing.
About the Authors:
Ms. Pankhuri Jain is a Partner and Mr. Anmol Chawla is an Associate with ZEUS Law Associates, which is an ISO certified full service corporate commercial law firm with a team of dedicated and experienced lawyewell-versedsed in handling domestic and cross-border transactions across sectors, jurisdictions, and regulatory landscapes.
当記事の著者:Pankhuri Jain及びAnmol Chawla: Pankhuri Jain氏はZeus法律事務所のパートナーであり、Anmol Chawla氏は同事務所のアソシエイトです。ZEUS法律事務所は、ISO認証を取得している、企業法律に関連するフルサービスを提供する法律事務所であり、国内外の様々な業界、地域、規制分野に精通した専門家の弁護士チームにより対応しています。